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Deep Sky Alpha
The world’s first cross-technology carbon removal innovation and commercialization centre, based in Alberta, Canada.
To accelerate the path to low cost, low energy, high integrity, and highly scalable carbon dioxide removal (CDR).

A World First
The project represents an industry first for the private development of scalable CDR and the first cross-technology project in the world.

Renewable Power
Deep Sky Alpha is powered by 100% renewable solar energy.

Sedimentary Storage
Carbon dioxide captured at Alpha will be injected 2 kilometers underground, where it will safely remain for thousands of years.

Built for speed because we don’t have time to waste
Alpha makes it possible for many different DAC concepts to be tested simultaneously. Its tech-agnostic nature decreases delivery and operational risks while increasing the speed at which the industry can scale. This novel approach solves the delays that have plagued past global carbon removal projects. To start, multiple state-of-the-art DAC technologies will be deployed at the facility, sitting side by side with standardized instrumentation for the collection of operational data. Here, they’ll be tested and optimized for performance year-round in the Canadian climate and validated before committing to them at commercial scale. Deep Sky software will track and benchmark all operational data to accelerate the R&D of technology partners and the industry at large – another industry first.

What we look for in technology partners
At Deep Sky, we’re constantly on the lookout for new technologies that can capture carbon dioxide from the air or the ocean. The principle of engineered carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is relatively simple, separating a gas (CO₂) from other gasses (air) at very low concentrations. However, there are myriad ways and chemistries to make that separation happen.
Here are a few criteria that we use to prioritize our technologies:

Entirely Electrified
Technologies that can operate entirely on electricity without the need for industrial waste heat, or the burning of fossil fuels to generate high temperatures.

Pathway to low energy intensity
We are looking for technologies with the potential to be 1000 kWh per ton of CO₂ captured or lower in energy intensity at scale. As the world races to decarbonize via electrification, competition for clean electrons will become more fierce. That’s why we’re looking for technologies that can be as low as possible.

Simplicity and focus
While many venture capital firms are looking for CDR technologies that can produce other products to diversify their revenue streams, we are going against the grain and solving for tech that can capture CO₂ - that’s it. Too many byproducts can lead to offtake complexities and logistics of getting byproducts to market.

Scalability and supply chain
Building large infrastructure is a challenge of procurement timelines and supply chains. We’re always looking for technology that leverages existing supply chains, has the potential to be mass-manufactured, and doesn’t rely on expensive or rare feedstocks.

Strong team
We prioritize teams with extensive scientific backgrounds who move quickly, are agile, and demonstrate keen problem solving skills. We also look for teams that work with world class EPC partners and reputable suppliers.

Why pilot at Deep Sky Alpha
Capture technology teams should be focusing on what they do best – capturing CO₂. Our planet is relying on their relentless focus. Where Deep Sky steps in is by providing the rest of the lifecycle elements to fully process the CO₂, so the capture companies don’t have to worry about it.
Partners can rely on Deep Sky for:
Land and a Place to Pilot
We have 5 acres of land in the emerging clean technology hub of Innisfail, with the space to accomodate up to 14 DAC pilots on standardized pads.
Renewable Energy and Utilities
Deep Sky Alpha runs on 100% renewable solar electricity with up to 4MW of power available. Each DAC pad offers municipal water, purified water, instrument air, and waste water treatment for your pilot.
Accelerated Permitting
Deep Sky Alpha will be fully permitted and our team will work to ensure your pilots are up to code and meet all regulations before coming to site.
Highly Skilled Operators and Engineers
Deep Sky’s team of world-class operators and site engineers will run all pilots at Deep Sky Alpha. Our team will regularly provide feedback on performance so that you can focus on your technology.
CO₂ Processing, Transport, and Sequestration
Our balance of plant system includes a CO₂ purification and liquefaction system that can accept as low as 85% CO₂ streams. The liquefied CO₂ is then transported by truck to our CO₂ sequestration site where it will be injected 2 kilometers underground and safely remain there for thousands of years.
Importantly, Deep Sky does not make any claim on your intellectual property. Any improvements to your IP, you keep. The only thing we care about is scaling technology and securing supply to purchase hundreds of your units for our commercial facilities.
Our cutting edge partners
Be among the greatest carbon removal leaders in the world. Here are the first partner pilots that will be deployed at Deep Sky Alpha.

The right place and the right time.
Welcome to Innisfail, Alberta.
Provincially, Alberta is ideally suited for CO₂ storage due to its unique and favorable geological characteristics. The province boasts extensive sedimentary basins, including the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, which contains numerous deep saline aquifers. These geological formations offer the necessary porosity and permeability to securely store large volumes of CO₂. The cap rock layers above these formations ensure the containment of CO₂, preventing its escape to the surface. Additionally, the geological stability of the region minimizes the risks associated with storage. These factors collectively make Alberta's geology exceptionally well-suited for safe and effective long-term CO₂ storage, contributing significantly to climate change mitigation efforts.
Regionally, Innisfail is an emerging clean energy hub, which was searching for more “green” projects to welcome to its site. The Deep Sky Alpha site is located within 5 acres of a municipality-owned industrial park, neighboring other proposed green projects including a solar farm and waste-to-energy plant, so Alpha is in good company. The centre’s international gravitas will bring global exposure to Innisfail’s green industrial park.
We’re proud of the economic impact Deep Sky Alpha will make in Innisfail. It’ll generate high-demand green jobs, including approximately 80 workers for the construction phase, with another 15 for annual operations. The project has the potential to infuse more than a $110M investment in the Innisfail community over 10 years.