
Climate change is causing more weather disasters which are damaging more property. The risk of owning or insuring a home is increasing. Insurance companies have access to the latest data and risk modeling techniques and they are raising prices based on what they see. This poses a risk for the US housing market as climate risks continue to climb.

This plot keeps a close eye on how US home insurance premiums are changing in the face of climate change. It is updated quarterly.

The data

This visualization shows percent change in the price of Home Insurance Premiums based on the Producer Price Index (PPI). PPI measures the average change over time in selling prices received by domestic insurance companies. The y axis is not in dollars, but represents the percent increase in premium prices since 1998.


U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index by Industry: Premiums for Property and Casualty Insurance: Premiums for Homeowner's Insurance [PCU9241269241262], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;